September 13, 2022

Manansulu Peak in Nepal | Nepal Himalayas photos

Manansulu Himalaya is the eight highest peak of the world situated in Nepal.

Manansulu Himalaya photo
Manansulu Himalaya photo


Manansulu peak is 7th highest Himalaya mountain in Nepal. Nepal is land of Himalayas. The world highest peak mount Everest is also in Nepal.

Manansulu Himalaya
Manansulu Himalaya
Manansulu pictures
Manansulu pictures
Manansulu mountain
Manansulu mountain
white Manansulu mountain  lovely photo
white Manansulu mountain lovely photo

September 10, 2022

Tongue piercing festival Bhaktapur

Birendra Bhakta Gaju Shrestha of Madhyapurthimi-4 have pierced his tongue for the second time, on the occasion of ‘Yenya Punhiya Mey Pwa: Khanegu Jatra’ (tongue piercing festival on the occasion of Indrajatra) at Diguli village of Madhyapurthimi, Bhaktapur on Saturday. Shrestha had pierced his tongue for the first time on 2074BS.

Tongue piercing festival Bhaktapur
Tongue piercing festival Bhaktapur

Tongue piercing festival Bhaktapur
Tongue piercing festival Bhaktapur

According to the myth, it is believed that Thimi area of Bhaktapur was haunted by ghosts and evil spirits. To get rid of these ghosts and spirits, a tantrik (holy man) performed various rituals to impress Goddess Balkumari. 

He also pierced his tongue to show his courage. Since then, every year, local residents of Thimi have a tradition of piercing their tongues every year to drive away the evil spirits.
PC: Amit Machamasi

Haku Patasi saree in Nepal

Haku Patasi, the black saree is the traditonal dress for women in newari community.

haku Patasi saree
wearing haku Patasi saree and taking part in clutural activity

It is very different than regular sarees which are a part of most Nepali women’s wardrobes.

It is usually heavier, and always black saree with red boarder and yellow lining in between.
It is made of hand woven fabric of pure cotton.

April 19, 2022

100 Nepali Funny jokes collections for you

Nepali  funny  jokes collection is a collection of funny and fun-filled jokes from Nepal. Nepali jokes are always fun to write in Nepali as well as in English words. We Nepalese have heard millions of Nepalese comedies since childhood and we still feel the joy of them. 

I prefer to read the Nepalese comedy Jokes early in the morning because it makes my day more pleasant with a smile on my face. Ensures a bright, happy and happy day. I always talk to friends all day, which makes my business stronger and they don't forget. Basically, Nepali Jokes are the reason for good company, lasting memories, and smiling faces.

Jokes are usually well spent during the entertainment season and no matter the age of the man, the jokes he loves. There are millions of Nepalese comedies and we have grown on many of them. They are great mind fresheners.

We have created a collection of funny Nepali jokes that will keep our minds romantic and fun.

100 Nepali Funny  jokes collections 

1. yeuta chor yeuta dhani

yeuta chor yeuta dhani manchekoma chori garna gayecha. darajma yo lekhera tasiyeko thiyo 

” daraj futauna jaruri chaina, kebal 452Bhikari: saheb, yek rupaiya dinus

saheb: laaj lagdaina? sadak ma uviyera vik magna lai?
bhikari: ani k ta tero yek rupaiya ko lagi ma office kholau ta?

2. Yeuta jungle ma

yeuta jungle ma yeuta nangai keta bath gari raheko theyo .. tyo jungle ko animals haru le tyo keta lai dekhera hasna thalyo..

keta le animal lai sode cha timiharu kina hasa ko ha? number thichnu, agadi rato batan press garyo vane daraj afai khulnecha”. 

Jaba chor le tyo botton thichyo, alram bajyo ra police ayera tyo chorlai samatera lagyo. jada jadai chor le tyo sahuji lai vanyo “aja bata malai manche sanga biswas harayo”

3.  Dhudh ko bottle

anmine bitikai Dudh ko bottle
Alik thulo vayo, pepsiko bottle,
jawanima beerko bottle,
tespachi whiskyko bottle,
kidneyle kaam garna chadyo glucoseko bottle,
operation garyo, ragatko bottle,
jiwan samapta bhayo, gangajalko bottle!

4. Godaworo park tira

Boy: Aaj Godabari Park tir jaau hai…
Girl: Bho..janna…Timi le je payo tehi ta gardai nau ni ?
Boy: Promise kehi gardina k !!!
Girl: Bho…tyaso bhaye kina janu paryo ta..!!

छोरो झ्याप

छोरो झ्याप भएर घर आएछ ।
घरमा थाहा पाउछन भनेर हत्त न पत्त laptop खोलेर पढ्न बसे जस्तो गरेछ ।

बाउ: आज पनि धोकेर आइस हैन त ?

छोरो: हैन बुवा, पढिराको छु ।

बाउ: साले गधा suitcase खोलेर के पढ्दै छस् ह

शेरेको तपस्या

एकदिन शेरे भगवानको तपस्या गर्दै रैछ ।
अचानक भगवान प्रकट भयछन अनि भनेछन ।
भगवान : त के चाहान्छस माग…?
शेरे: एउटा जागिर, ठुलो गाडि र त्यसमा धेरै केटि नै केटि….!
भगवान: तथास्तु…!
बिचरा शेरे आज एउटा Girl’s school मा बस ड्राइभर छ!

भ्यागुताको भविष्य

एउटा भ्यागुता ज्योतिषकोमा गएछ र आफ्नो भविष्य हेरिदिनु भनेछ ….
ज्योतिष: तेरो जीवनमा एउटी राम्री च्वाँक केटी आउनेछ अनि तेरो मुटु चोरेर लानेछे…..!!! .

भ्यागुता: (खुशी हुँदै) त्यो केटी कहाँ भेट्छु त मैले ……??
ज्योतिष : Biology को Practical Lab मा ….. .

भ्यागुता त ठाउँको ठाउँ बेहोश….

हुलास भए अरु किन खोज्ने

शेरे र रामे एउटा घरमा चोरी गर्न गएछन् ।

रामेले सुन, पैसाहरू चोरेछ तर शेरेले १ किलो हुलास गहुँको पिठो ल्याएछ।

रामे: ओइ, सुन चाँदी छोडेर तैँले यो पिठो मात्र किन चोरेको?
शेरे: (मुसुक्क हाँस्दै) हुलास भए अरु किन खोज्ने ?

धुर्मुस स्वर सम्राट

धुर्मुस आफुलाई खुब स्वर सम्राट मान्थ्यो……….यतिकैमा एकदिन एउटा किसानलाई गीत सुनायो……….

केही बेर पछी किसान सुक-सुक गर्दै रुन थाल्यो ….)

धुर्मुस :- (मन मनै खुशी हुँदै ) खुशी लाग्यो मेरो सँगीतको राग बुझ्ने तिमी मात्रै रहिछौ.

किसान ;- म हजुरको गीत सुनेर रोएको होइन ….

धुर्मुस :- अनी किन त …………..?

किसान :- पोहोर साल मेरो एउटा गोरु मर्यो, मर्ने बेलामा यस्तै स्वर निकालेको थियो …….. आज मलाई मेरो गोरुको याद आयो अनी रोएको

शेरेले एउटीलाई धेरै माया गर्थ्यो

शेरेले एउटी केटीलाई धेरै माया गर्थ्यो तर डराएर केही भन्न सकेको थिएन ।
1 दिन उसले म्यासेजमा I love u लेखेर पठाउने निर्णय गरेछ ।

उसले राती ‘I LOVE U’ लेखेर केटीको नंबरमा म्यासेज पठाएछ ।

केही समय पछि शेरेको मोबाइलमा म्यासेजको रिङटोन बजेछ तर उसले भोलीपल्ट बिहान नुहाइधुवाई गरेर मन्दिर गएर मात्र म्यासेज पढ्ने निर्णय गरेछ र सुतेछ ।
रात भरि केटीकै सपना देखेछ ।

बिहान उठेर नुहाएछ र मन्दिर गएछ । अनि मन्दिर गएर आएर म्यासेज पढेको त यस्तो लेखेको रैछ

Funny Nepali jokes in Nepali language


जाम shopping गर्न

केटा एउटा केटी सँग :
केटो : म सँग घुम्न जान्छौँ ?
केटी : कता लान्छौ हौ?
केटो : तिमी जता भन्छौ त्यहीँ जाम ।।
केटी : ओके तेसो भय जाम shopping गर्न
केटो : कसम दिदी मैले त मजाक पो गरेको त!!!

बिहान बिहानै रेडियो बजाउदै

आइते बिहान बिहानै रेडियो बजाउदै जंगल तिर तोइलेट गर्न भनेर हिलेछ
जब टोइलेट गरेर फर्कदै थियो धुर्मुसे ले सोधेछ – ओहो आइते म त मछु कि क्या हो, बिहान बिहानै रेडयो बोकेर हिनिस हँ आइते ..

आइते – टोइलेट गाको नि ..

धुर्मुसे – तेसो भए कस्तो भयो त टोइलेट गराई

आइते – रिसाउदै घण्टा जस्तो —

धुर्मुसे – केरे ??

आइते- टोइलेट गर्नै लाको बेला अचानक रेडयो मा सयौ थुंगा फूलका हामी
एउतै माला नेपाली भन्ने गित बज्यो मुला उठी उठी हग्नु पर्यो

रोडको बीचमा पुलिस

एउटा मोटरसाईकलमा तिनजाना केटाहरु स्पीड आउँछन् |

रोडको बीचमा उभिएर पुलिस कराउँछ : एउटा मोटरसाईकलमा तिन तिन जाना ?? त्यही पनि हेल्मेट छैन horn पनि बजाउदैन, रोक रोक !!

केटाहरु : बाटो छोड़,,, हवलदार साहब !!! यसमा अझै ब्रेक पनि छैन !

May 15, 2016

one packet air |joke

Girl and Priest fight

Girl : "Forgive me father for I have sinned."
Priest : "What have you done my child?"
Girl : "I called a man a son of a bitch."
Priest : "Why did you call  him a son of a bitch?"
Girl : "Because he 
touched my hand."
Priest : "Like this?" (as he touches her hand)
Girl : "Yes father."
Priest : "That's no reason to call a man a son of a bitch."
Girl : "Then he touched my breast."
Priest : "Like this?" (as he touched her breast)
Girl : "Yes father."
Priest : "That's no reason to call him a son
of a bitch."
Girl : "Then he took off my clothes, father."
Priest : "Like this?" (as he takes off her clothes)
Girl : "Yes father."
Priest : "That's no reason to call him a son of abitch."
Girl : "Then he stuck his you know what into my you know where."
Priest : "Like this?" (she stuck his you know what into her you know where)
(after a few minutes)
Priest : "That's no reason to call him a son of a bitch."
Girl : "But father,he had AIDS!"
Priest : "THAT SON OF A BITCH!!!"

May 10, 2016

Meaning of Girls

Do you know d meaning of these things -
1 Girl Friend
2 Lover
3 Wife
4 X Girl Friend
Very Simple -
1 Prepaid
2 Postpaid
3 Lifetime
4 Miss Call.

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